Monday, February 11, 2008

Weekend in Kuna

I finally got the chance to get away…yay! Yes, get out of the house, where I’ve sort of been cooped up, mainly by choice, on account of snowy and icy roads, further than a trip to town or Twin for a short shopping binge. Dale and I traveled to Kuna on Friday afternoon to Jef and Sarah’s for a Habby Too business meeting and playtime with the grandkids. And of course I forgot my camera and Sarah’s wasn’t working, but I can still blog without pictures! We were so happy to see them and catch up on that has been going on up their way since Christmas. Logan played two piano pieces for us that he has memorized for his upcoming music festival next month. He is becoming quite the piano player and has his Dad’s rhythm. Jef has been working hard on his guitar and we talked him into playing it for us. I was very impressed with his Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues”, especially the single note solo parts. He certainly is my “guitar hero”. Mason showed us the books he got at a fun book exchange, so I read some great stories to the boys before dinner. One was a book about lightening and thunder and how you can create your own sparks by shuffling your feet on the carpet and then touching metal. Grandpa demonstrated this very well and was shocking their fingers, they almost thought he was magic! Cole was very interested in a book about a dinosaur and he told me all about it several times after dinner during the business meeting and while the other boys were watching a movie.
Saturday morning, we went with Sarah to their stake center to watch the Church’s Worldwide Training meeting. I loved it and especially liked the fact that they presented perspective to the young single adults on how they can build up a righteous posterity. It was a thrill to listen to our prophet, President Monson, address the adults of the church for the first time since he was sustained as the prophet.
After the meeting, we ate lunch and then played some fun games on their intendo Wii. I was fascinated with the interaction play and had a blast bowling. I hadn’t bowled in years! Logan beat me, I think about 120 to 95. Jef beat Dale by three pins in a close one. Jef was the baseball winner, but Mason and Logan really know how to play these games. I tried tennis, but hey…I admit that I am a spectator there. Jef programmed some favorite music of mine on a mini mp3 player that he had so that I could take it to the gym and really rock out. He also gave me an arm band to wear and a cable to access it to the computer for future programming. (*I wore it this morning and it was so cool to have my hands free for ALL of the workout… Again, a big thanks, Jef)
We hated to say goodbye after such a short visit, but we needed to get to the temple and then home. It was such a beautiful, sunny day in Boise…58 degrees…“balmy” enough to run around without a coat. The temple was beautiful and I got to sit by Dale because the session was completely full. We decided on our way home to text some of our young single adults to see if any of them would like to meet us at Appleby’s in Twin Falls for dinner. Collette got off work at 7:00 and she met us there, along with 4 others. It is always fun times hanging out with those young singles.
Such a fun weekend, packed full of great things that reminded me of what is important in my life and what I am very thankful for.


Chad said...

sounds like a fun time....sorry i missed out. lookin forward to seeing you all sunday night

Alisa said...

Wow, sounds like you guys had a great time! I'm sure the boys loved having Grandma and Grandpa hang out with them, even if it was only for a little while.

Collette said...

Good Times!! That Logan better watch out,I'm starting to practice my form.
Oh and sitting close in booths is my favorite.

Audrey said...

What a full and wonderful weekend for you! Your grandkids are so blessed to have so much time with you. I think you and I could join a bowling league together. We of course would only be in it for the fun given our scores. hee hee

Paulene Davis said...

Sounds like a great weekend. Visiting Grandkids and eating out, what could be better. Wonderful memories for you and the kids. Jef's boys are sure handsome and are really growing up fast. Miss you.