Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We dont need FEMA when we have YSA'S!

Last night for Branch Family Home Evening, our wonderful young single adults came to the rescue of our 1st counselor in the branch presidency and his wife. The accumulated snow that built up around their house melted at such a rapid rate with temperatures getting in the lower 50's. The ground is still pretty much frozen so the melt had nowhere to go, except through a window and in their basement. The impact actually broke their window and water went everywhere....about 3 inches! About 16 young people went over and after accessing the situation, immediately set up a "bucket brigade" of people from downstairs up to the garage to carry stuff from the basement rooms and went to work.(Collette is at the bottom of the stairs.) Boxes and boxes of storage, toys, crafts, furniture, etc. were taken out and they were glad to have lots of helping hands and strong muscles.Service Master Carpets was there steadily pumping water out as our YSA's got everything else out that needed to be removed. The pictures really don't show all the horrendous damage of bark, leaves, broken glass, etc. in the smaller bedrooms.
Our girls gave out the message that hey...don't mess with us! (Collette, far right, in a favorite attitude pose of hers!) Our great YSA's certainly know how to give service, work hard, play, and have fun together. We love and appreciate all they did to help the Lott's in their time of need.


Audrey said...

That is too bad! It is amazing how fast water can ruin and damage. Nothing like a bunch of cute guys & gals to make the work seem light and to put a bright smile on the situation though. Wow!

Paulene Davis said...

What wonderful service. Your "kids" are awesome. I am always impressed with the things that you and Dale are doing with them. I am also impressed with the smiles on their faces. "When you're helping you're happy" Sorry about the flooding.

Collette said...

lets just say...playing in water puddles...good times. Reminds me of the days of walking to class with no shoes on and the pants rolled up