Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March Happenings

Just wanted to post some events for March...Stake Relief Society did a Relief Society Birthday Celebration Luncheon featuring talks, fun song to changed words of Thanks for the Memories, Hawaiian haystacks and birthday cake, humanitarian hygiene kits, and quilts. We had a great time and completed 364 hygiene kits and 7 quilts. Here is picture that represented my talk about the wonderful legacy of Relief Society: that of charity.. .passed on from heart to heart as President Eyring told us in the RS Broadcast in September. I wanted all the sisters in the stake to remember the "warm fuzzies" President Monson told about last conference and related it to all of their acts of kindness and charity.

I spent a week in Montana with Alisa's kids as she and Grant went to California for a vacation together. We were busy with school, piano, playing at the park, and watching movies with popcorn. I was able to see their ward's pinewood derby, all three older kids entered cars. Avery won 2nd place in his scout division. It was a fun week and glad I was able to go.
Zadyn and her princess crown from Salmon's Burger King
Ryker asked where his momma was and called me daddy all week!
Kids had a blast at the park

Went with Zadyn to speech therapy...she is doing great!
Avery busy at school
Kyler busy at school
Zadyn busy posing for Grandma at school
Avery's car and trophy
Kyler's car
Zadyn's car
Avery practicing piano
Kyler practicing piano
Avery was a big help

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I just love to read about your busy and fun life. Our ward is having a pinewood derby race tonight and my kids have been working on their cars all week. Don't know if we will have any winners, but they sure had fun painting them. :) Thanks for sharing these cute faces.