Friday, October 19, 2007

Preparing for the changing weather...

As most of you know, I love the fall season and its beauty that changes our world. But it does bring with it much colder weather and waking up most mornings to heavy frost. Silly as it may seem, I enjoy the Saturday we get around to "winterizing" the yard. We pick what's left from the garden to finish canning or put in storage. Dale always grows lots of beans and he's put up some bottles of our favorite...dill beans.
Our pumpkins and squash didn't do that well, but we've already enjoyed some. A favorite recipe Dale cooks is his zuchinni lasagna, with the marinara sauce he cans from the tomatoes. What a guy!! These last smaller ones I like to decorate with. (Check out Collette's blog, she has posted some great decorating projects she did with pumkins.)
We put all the garden stakes, coverings, and tools in the shed and then gather up the hoses. We stretch the hoses down the slope so that all the water will drain out and not freeze, which will split the hose.We are glad that we have had some rain so that we don't have to water anymore. Our irrigation water has been shut off now for the season. Most of my flowers protected under the tree in the front yard stay so pretty through the fall and winter. And with the cooler weather and some rain, they really flourish better now than they to in the hot summer! Dale planted a rhubarb plant this year for the first time. Our neighbor usually gives us plenty, but he wanted some of his own. The first year produces few shoots, but we picked enough for my favorite recipe... rhubarb cobbler. It is my Mother's recipe and my mouth just waters as I think about making it. I have always loved her cobbler and think of her so much when I make it. And served warm with cream, it really is a great fall treat. Happy fall to everyone and hope you all are enjoying this season with all its splendor.


Sarah said...

Lookin good. We still haven't done our backyard. I took care of the front on Monday when it was nice out, now we have yucky wind and rain.

Alisa said...

I am jealous of your garden! Next year, when we are harvesting our garden, I will have to get all your yummy recipes.

Audrey said...

I am so impressed by your abilities to "live off the earth!" You are amazing. Rhubarb always reminds me of Grandma. I still have visual memories of her checking and tending to her plants. I would LOVE to get her actual cobbler recipe. Could you email it to me?

Paulene Davis said...

Your rhubarb looks great. Mother's cobbler is a very loving memory for me. Remember, it is all that Dix wanted for his birthday every year? Dale has always cooked and canned great things. I am glad that you are enjoying your favorite season.

Chad said...

let me just agree with everyone when i say it is freezing cold....there